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Помогите идентифицировать офицеров

Евгений Болдырев: Господа,помогите выяснить полные имена изображенных на этой фотографии офицеров РИФ. За биографии буду отдельно признателен

Ответов - 4

Dirk: Это вопрос, скорее, к уважаемому Барсу, так как не всё понятно со службой упомянутых лиц. Мессингов было два, ни один из них профессиональным подводником не был. МЕССИНГ Николай Иванович (24.07.1884 - ?) мичман 28.01.1904 зачислен в запас флота 05.03.1907 определен в службу 1914 в чине за пребывание в запасе флота 1911 лейтенант 06.12.1914 и.д. старшего флаг-офицера штаба начальника Дивизии траления Балтийского моря 14.07.1915 - МЕССИНГ Дмитрий Иванович (21.06.1887 - ?) корабельный гардемарин 29.04.1906 мичман 16.04.1907 лейтенант 10.04.1911 старший лейтенант 28.07.1917 Но про Дмитрия Ивановича знаем, что в Первую мировую он был на "сухом пути": В составе батальона ГЭ отправился в Новогеоргиевск. 12.IX–3.Х.1914 г. с половиной 2-й роты находился в осажденном Ивангороде, охраняя и обеспечивая переправы. В июне – июле 1915 г. командовал 5-й ротой в Новогеоргиевске. После формирования Отдельного б-на ГЭ на основе 1-го и 2-го б-нов ГЭ - младший офицер одной из рот (приказ начальника Морских батальонов Действующей армии № 11 от 18.04.1915). С 12.07.1916 - начальник Новороссийского отделения постов Службы связи Черного моря. Значит - не он точно! Второй слева офицер - Кукель (Кукель-Краевский) Сергей Андреевич (13.01.1883 - 1941). Он был старшим офицером "Рынды" и наблюдающим за ремонтом английских лодок, почему после его фамилии и сделана приписка "русский инженерный офицер". Судая по фото, он ещё старший лейтенант, значит снято до его производства в капитаны 2 ранга 22.03.1915. А вот Иванов - опять не знаю. Судя по массивной фигуре - может, Модест?

Евгений Болдырев: большое спасибо за помощь!!! еще одна просьба - помогите узнать, не был ли кто-то из этих офицеров награжден орденом Св.Анны 4ст. с надписью "За храбрость"?

Евгений Болдырев: и еще вопрос вдогонку: про какого офицера идет речь в этой выдержке из дневников английских офицеров? Кто он, Александр Павел (Павал?): Pavel, Alexander, Russian Telegrahist with E1. In his memoirs Lt. Ashmore who was then E1’s 2nd Officer had this to say about Pavel, `of the Russian Ratings serving in our submarines, only one of them gave any trouble. This was the Telegraphist in my boat, E1, whom we found agitating amongst the other Russian Telegraphists and preventing them going on the other boats. He unwisely defied Cromie to take action against him but soon found he had met his match. Being under Royal Navy discipline, he was summarily dismissed with disgrace, forfeiting his Distinguished Service Medal, awarded for his part in E1’s war exploits, the bounty which went with it and quite a large sum of prize money which would have come to him.’ `The other Russians were delighted and all restated their willingness to continue under our flag. Furthermore, there was something of a rush of fresh volunteers to fill vacancies in C Boats, which would be ready to operate as soon as the ice cleared. A few days later however, the agitator reappeared on board Dvina and again busied himself on our men’s mess deck, threatening out Telegraphists with all sorts of consequences if they continued to serve with us. Ordered off by Cromie, he swore to get even with him. Unfortunately, in this one instance, the ships committee refused to order the man off the Dvina, where he had no longer any right, as he was their only means of maintaining wireless communication with the Central Committee at Kronstadt.’ `The amazing influence that Cromie had acquired enabled him, over the heads of the Captain of Dvina and the ship’s committee, who at once agreed that our discipline must not be interfered with and that the agitator would be persuaded to stop his activities. A day or two later, the Telegraphist, still breathing fire and vengeance against Cromie, left to carry on agitation at other ports and assurances were received that he would not return to Dvina. I was in fact, the last we were to see of this man.’ In his diary, E1’s Able Seaman Arthur Charles Jeffreys had this to say about Paval, `we also had Russian wireless operators, one of whom should have special mention. He was Alexander Pavel. In looks more German than Slav. Well educated by the then Russian standards, spoke good English and was well liked by the crew of “E1”. He had received the D.S.M. I believe, and was also to receive a share of Prize money at some future date. No long after the outbreak of the revolution however, he “deserted”, and threw himself into the activities of the Bolshevik Party. He was forbidden to use the British mess deck, but managed to find his way there from time to time for a short while. He finally left, or was persuaded to leave Reval, and was later court-martialled (in absentia), and deprived of his medal and gratuity and prize money.’ While E9’s Able Seaman Meese had this to say in his diary which was written under a photo of the man, `this man was a very powerful agitator and could sway a crowd at meetings. He was here, there, and everywhere-up to Petrograd, then to Kronstadt, to Narva, back to Reval’.

ркр065: Евгений Болдырев пишет: и еще вопрос вдогонку: про какого офицера идет речь в этой выдержке из дневников английских офицеров? Кто он, Александр Павел (Павал? Это нижний чин. Отрывок уже выставлялся здесь http://kortic.borda.ru/?1-15-0-00000013-000-90-0

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